The bit holder for rapid bit exchange.

BitHolder FBH

The fischer BitHolders FBH are robust bit holders with a slim shape. A strong magnet holds the bit in the shaft. The drive is via a ¼" hex connection. The rapid bit exchange of the bit holder FBH Quick Bit Slim enables the fast changing of the bit whilst offering the best possible hold. fischer offers a range of designs for DIY enthusiasts and professional users.
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Përparësitë / Përshkrimi

  • The bit holders for ¼" bits with magnetic insert hold the bit securely in the drill chuck and offers a smooth installation procedure.
  • Robust and slim bit holder for an easy bit exchange.
  • Ideal for direct machine connection or enlargement of the bits to reach difficult areas.
  • With the FBH Quick Bit Slim the bit automatically locked when plugged in and provides a secure hold. By pulling back the sleeve the bit can be easily taken out.

Aplikimi dhe leja (autorizimi)

  • The bit holders for use in cylinder drill chucks

Manuali i montimit

  • Suitable for ¼" drives
Mounting Strip 1 Picture
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