The highest performance in class amongst dynamic anchors.

Highbond-anchor dynamic FHB dyn

The fischer Highbond-Anchor dynamic FHB-A dyn is processed with the injection mortar FIS HB. It is used to support dynamic alternating loads. The approved anchor with its cone shape ensures a controlled expansion under dynamic stress, thus allowing for use in cracked concrete. It securely fixes guide rails for elevators, production robots, gantry and overhead cranes and tunnel ventilators (jet fans). The classification in accordance with fire resistance class R120, the assessment for the base material steel fiber concrete, variants made from high corrosion-resistant steel or an additional sleeve for higher transverse forces with the threaded rod FHB-A dyn V provide extra security.
Variantet e produktitDownload of image data

Variantet e produktit

Miratimet / Raportet e testimit
15 variante produktesh
Drill diameter
Min. drill hole depth for through fixings
Anchorage depth
Width across nut
Legjenda = Miratimi ekziston = Miratimi nuk ekziston
Gesehen 15 von 15 Variante(n)

Përparësitë / Përshkrimi

  • The Highbond-anchor dynamic FHB-A dyn must be applied in combination with the Highbond-mortar FIS HB.
  • During the setting process, the injection mortar FIS HB fills the annular gap in the fixture, and ensures optimum load distribution. This allows for the absorption of dynamic alternating loads.
  • The cone shape of the FHB-A dyn anchor rod ensures a controlled expansion under dynamic stress, thus allowing for use in cracked concrete.
  • The anchor rod FHB-A dyn is also available made from high corrosion-resistant steel. This makes it suitable for use in aggressive atmospheres, for example in tunnels.
  • The Highbond anchor dynamic system can achieve even greater shear loads thanks to the additional sleeve of the anchor rod FHB-A dyn V, and therefore provides an increased level of safety.
  • The ETA for static / quasi-static loads as well as the National technical approval for dynamic loads allow the use of sizes M12 and M16 also for the anchoring base steel fiber concrete.
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Aplikimi dhe leja (autorizimi)

  • Jib cranes
  • Gantry and overhead cranes
  • Guide rails for elevators
  • Tunnel ventilators (jet fans)
  • Gantries in road construction
  • Antennas and transmitter masts
  • Industrial robots
Building materials
Approved for:
  • Concrete C20/25 to C50/60, cracked and non-cracked
  • Steel fiber reinforced concrete (M12 / M16)
Detajet (materialet e ndërtimit, ngarkesat, etj.) të çdo miratimi të disponueshëm zbatohen. Dokumentet e mëtejshme mund të gjenden në Qendra e shkarkimit.
  • ETA-06/0171
  • DoP No. 0353
  • (2103/12/12) - CM

Manuali i montimit

  • The injection system suitable for tensile zones consists of the Highbond dynamic anchor rod FHB-A dyn and the injection mortar FIS HB.
  • FHB dyn is approved for pre-positioned and push-through installation.
  • Extruding the mortar causes the two components to be mixed and activated in the static mixer.
  • The mortar bonds the entire surface of the anchor rod with the drill hole wall and seals the drill hole.
  • The centring sleeve centres the anchor in the fixture, thus ensuring a safe load application.
  • The lock nut prevents the nut from becoming loose.
Mounting Strip 1 Picture
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Mounting Strip 2 Picture
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Mounting Strip 3 Picture
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Dokumente për shkarkim

European Technical Assessment for fischer Highbond-Anchor FHB / FHB dyn / FDA - Bonded fasteners and bonded expansion fasteners for use in concrete
Krijuar me 10.07.2024
Declaration of Performance for fischer Highbond-Anchor FHB / FHB dyn / FDA (Bonded expansion fastener for use in concrete)
Krijuar me 23.02.2024
Test report (fire protection)
pdf, (2103/12/12) - CM
lnjection systems FHB / FHB dyn / FDA
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Filling quantities für highbond-Anchor dynamic FHB dyn
Highbond anchor dynamic FHB dyn - Design values for cyclic fatigue loading of a single anchor normal concrete of strength class C20/25
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Dynamic fixing solutions.