The bonded anchor for cracked concrete without drill hole cleaning.

Resin capsule RM II

The fischer resin capsule RM II together with the threaded rod RG M is the first capsule with European Technical Assessment Option 1 for cracked concrete, which does not require hole cleaning. Steel constructions, machines or staircases outside and indoors can be fixed with the resin anchor. The resin capsule can be used with the fischer threaded rod RG M and the fischer internal threaded anchor RG MI. Hole cleaning is not necessary with the resin capsule RM II, however comparatively high loads can be supported. This allows for a fast work progress.
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Miratimet / Raportet e testimit
6 variante produktesh
Drill diameter
Legjenda = Miratimi ekziston = Miratimi nuk ekziston
Gesehen 6 von 6 Variante(n)

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