The acrylic sealant for internal joints.

Universal acrylic sealant Multi AC (DA)

The high-quality fischer acrylic sealant Multi AC can be used on cracks, joints, and connection joints in internal areas. Allows for easy application and smoothing, and ensures efficient work. Strong adhesion to absorbent substrates, can be painted and plastered over, has a neutral odour meaning it is ideal for processing even in confined spaces.
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Variantet e produktit

2 variante produktesh
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Gesehen 2 von 2 Variante(n)

Përparësitë / Përshkrimi

  • The good hold on absorbent substrates guarantees a secure sealing and thus allows for a reliable and economic application.
  • The sealant can be painted and plastered and allows for a good hold of standard paints/plasters on the sealant, thus guaranteeing a non-critical post-treatment.
  • The water-based acrylate sealant has a neutral odour and is therefore ideal for use in confined spaces.
  • EN 15651 - Part 1: F-EXT-INT

Aplikimi dhe leja (autorizimi)

  • Fractures in masonry and other solid building materials in internal areas
  • Connection joints with low movement
  • Joints in window sill connections
  • Connection joints inside buildings between windows, doors, stairs, ceilings and walls
Building materials
  • Concrete
  • Anodised layer
  • Gypsum
  • Gypsum plasterboard
  • Wood
  • H-PVC
  • Sand-lime brick
  • Clinker brick
  • Masonry
  • Aerated concrete
  • Plaster
  • Brick
Detajet (materialet e ndërtimit, ngarkesat, etj.) të çdo miratimi të disponueshëm zbatohen. Dokumentet e mëtejshme mund të gjenden në Qendra e shkarkimit.
  • DoP No. Seal-00012-02
  • DoP No. 0618-CPF-0012

Manuali i montimit

  • Chemical base: 1-component dispersion acrylic
  • Elasto-plastic
  • Low-odour
  • Skin formation time: approx. 20 minutes
  • Processing temperature: +5 °C to +40 °C
  • Temperature resistance: -20 °C to +75 °C
  • Non-corrosive
  • Compatible with paint
  • Can be painted and plastered
  • Frost-protected in the cartridge
  • Free of silicone, MDI and solvents

Dokumente për shkarkim

DOP - Declaration of Performance
pdf, DoP No. Seal-00012-02
Declaration of Performance for fischer Multi AC
Krijuar me 06.10.2023
DOP - Declaration of Performance
pdf, DoP No. 0618-CPF-0012
Declaration of Performance for fischer Acryl Sealant DA
E vlefshme nga 01.07.2013
deri në 01.07.2028
Multi AC (Acrylic Sealing Compound DA)
Acrylic Sealing Compound DA