The undercut anchor for thin façade panels, such as HPL and fibre cement.

Zykon panel anchors FZP II T PA

The undercut anchor for a concealed fixing of thin façade panels such as HPL, fibre cement and mineral EQUITONE fibre cement panels. Use in conjunction with clasp systems or with other attachments.
Variantet e produktitDownload of image data

Variantet e produktit

Miratimet / Raportet e testimit
5 variante produktesh
Min. panel thickness
Total length
Cylindrical diameter
Legjenda = Miratimi ekziston = Miratimi nuk ekziston
Gesehen 5 von 5 Variante(n)

Përparësitë / Përshkrimi

  • The short geometry of the anchor allows it to be used in thin panels starting from 8 mm thickness.
  • The fixing is not externally visible, creating a visually appealing façade surface.
  • The matching shape of the undercut anchor creates a inter-locking and stress-free fixing in the conical undercuted drill hole.
  • Setting the anchor using undercut technology allows the user to select the best structural position in the façade panel. This significantly reduces the bending moment of the panel.
  • The anchor allows higher failure loads compared to common systems.
  • This anchor provides much better holding forces than commonly available systems which allows for the use of large format panels.

Aplikimi dhe leja (autorizimi)

For high aesthetical requrements:
  • The concealed fixing of thin façade panels on exterior and interior façade as well as reveal panels.
Building materials
  • Fibre cement
  • HPL panels
  • Thin panel materials (≥ 8 mm)
Detajet (materialet e ndërtimit, ngarkesat, etj.) të çdo miratimi të disponueshëm zbatohen. Dokumentet e mëtejshme mund të gjenden në Qendra e shkarkimit.
  • ETA-22/0669
  • DoP No. 0360

Manuali i montimit

  • dry drilling in ceramic
  • the drill hole is drilled with an absolute anchoring depth
  • flush installation of the anchor, the spacer washer will be in full contact with the surface of the material
  • drilling: first cylindrical, then conical - to create the undercut.
  • inserting the undercut anchor in the cylindrical-conical undercut hole
  • expanding the undercut anchor by "pressing down" the washer using the setting tools
  • stress-free and geometrical inter-locking fixing
Mounting Strip 1 Picture
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Dokumente për shkarkim

European Technical Assessment for fischer-Zykon panel anchor FZP II T for "LAMINAM ceramic"
Krijuar me 22.09.2023
Declaration of Performance for fischer-Zykon-panel anchor FZP II T (for LAMINAM)
Krijuar me 12.04.2024