The universal undercut anchor made of stainless steel for natural stone or artificial concrete panels.

Zykon panel anchors FZP II R

The undercut anchor out of stainless steel for a concealed flush installation solution for façade panels out of natural stone or artificial concrete. These are fixed with a consistent drill hole depth aligned to the back of the panel. This type of fixing technology is used e.g. with calibrated façade panels or for reveal angle installation.
Variantet e produktitDownload of image data

Variantet e produktit

Schválení / zkušební protokoly
12 variant výrobku
Min. panel thickness
Total length
Cylindrical diameter
Vysvětlivky = Povolení dostupné = Povolení nedostupné
Zobrazeno 12 z 12 variant

Përparësitë / Përshkrimi

  • The flush-mounting technology of the undercut anchor allows an easy, economical handling of reveals.
  • The matching shape of the undercut anchor creates a inter-locking and stress-free fixing in the conical undercuted drill hole.
  • The fixing is not externally visible, creating a visually appealing façade surface.
  • Setting the anchor using undercut technology allows the user to select the best structural position in the façade panel. This significantly reduces the bending moment of the panel.
  • The anchor allows higher failure loads compared to common systems.

Aplikimi dhe leja (autorizimi)

  • Exterior façades
  • Interior façades
  • Façade reveals
  • Natural stone heating systems
Building materials
  • Natural stone (>20mm)
  • Artificial concrete panels
Detajet (materialet e ndërtimit, ngarkesat, etj.) të çdo miratimi të disponueshëm zbatohen. Dokumentet e mëtejshme mund të gjenden në Qendra e shkarkimit.
  • ETA-11/0145
  • DoP No. 0307

Manuali i montimit

  • The drill hole is drilled with an absolute anchoring depth.
  • Flush installation of the anchor.
  • Wet diamond drilling: first cylindrical, then conical - to create the undercut. #Inserting the undercut anchor in the cylindrical-conical undercut hole
  • Expanding the undercut anchor by "pressing down" the washer using the setting tools
  • Stress-free and geometrical inter-locking fixing
Mounting Strip 1 Picture
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Dokumente për shkarkim

European Technical Assessment for fischer-Zykon-panel anchor FZP II - Fastener for the rear fixing of facade panels made of selected natural stones according to EN 1469:2015
Krijuar me 22.08.2024
Declaration of Performance for fischer Zykon-panel anchor FZP II
Krijuar me 01.07.2022