The thermally separated stand-off installation in external thermal insulation composite systems.

Stand-off installation TherMax 10

The fischer stand-off installation system TherMax 10 is a solution for thermally separated fixation in external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS). The threaded rod has a glass-fibre-reinforced cone and cuts its own way through the plaster and into the insulation material without a setting tool. The cone on the head of the threaded rod interrupts the thermal bridge. The adjustable system is suitable for fixations in ETICS and non-load-bearing layers of 80 mm to 240 mm in thickness. The fischer TherMax 10 can hold medium-sized loads such as lights, letterboxes, and lightning rods in concrete, aerated concrete, and masonry made from perforated or solid brick.
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Variantet e produktit

33 variante produktesh
Drill diameter
Drill hole depth
Max. thickness of non-bearing layer
Anchorage depth
Cover cap-ø
Width across nut
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