Pendulum hanger PDH / PDH K - the single fixing element for length expansion.

Pendulum hanger PDH / PDH K

The fischer pendulum hangers PDH / PDH K are single fixings with a flexible pendulum effect for the absorption of pipeline length adjustments. The maximum pendulum angle of 12° enables the absorption of large expansions. The tension load capacity is up to 3.5 kN. fischer offers the pendulum hanger in a standard version and a short version with thread sizes M8 to M12. The galvanized zinc version is suitable for installation in buildings. With the fire protection certificate, the pendulum hangers PDH / PDH K M10 and M12 offer added safety.
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5 variante produktesh
Fire test report
Max. recom. static load (centr. tension)
Gesehen 5 von 5 Variante(n)

Përparësitë / Përshkrimi

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