The pre-assembled anchor with innovative steel-plastic nail.

Render fixing FIF-CN II 8

The ETA approved fischer render fixing FIF-CN II is ideal for securely fixing pressure-resistant insulation up to 350 mm thick in the plaster façade such as polystyrene boards, mineral wool boards, wood wool lightweight panels and cork boards / coir matting in concrete, solid and perforated brick. The render fixing comprises a grey plug sleeve with attached preshaped octogonal disc and a steel-plastic nail. The FIF-CN II is set using a hammer. The innovative plastic nail with a steel point supports high loads.
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Variantet e produktit

Miratimet / Raportet e testimit
15 variante produktesh
Drill diameter
Min. drill hole depth
Anchor length
Max. fixture thickness
Disc ø
Legjenda = Miratimi ekziston = Miratimi nuk ekziston
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