Complete fixing set for wash basins and urinals in panel building materials.

Wash basin and urinal fixing for panel building materials WDP

The fischer fixing set WDP contains all elements for the safe and fast fixing of wash basins and urinals in panel building materials. The ageing-resistant and chemical-resistant flush sleeve made from high-strength nylon ensures a lasting fixing with no damage to the ceramics. The set consists of the base plate, threaded rod, a flush sleeve and a nut.
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Variantet e produktit

1 Produktvarianten
Anchor length
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Përparësitë / Përshkrimi

  • The fischer WDP is set into the plumbing walls during wall installation.
  • The ageing-resistant and chemical-resistant flanged nut made from high-strength nylon ensures a lasting fixing with no damage to the ceramics.

Aplikimi dhe leja (autorizimi)

  • Wash basins
  • Urinals
  • Built-in toilets
  • Cisterns
Building materials
  • Gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fibreboards
  • Chipboard
Detajet (materialet e ndërtimit, ngarkesat, etj.) të çdo miratimi të disponueshëm zbatohen. Dokumentet e mëtejshme mund të gjenden në Qendra e shkarkimit.

Manuali i montimit

  • The WDP is set into the plumbing walls during wall installation.