Stainless steel hook for the installation of PV panels on standing seam sheets. Suitable for flat seaming.

Stainless steel hook for flat standing seam DLA A2

DLA is the stainless steel hook for the installation of PV panels on standing seam roofs. Suitable for flat seaming. Complete with screws for connection to the rail.
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Variantet e produktit

1 variante produktesh
Installation torque
Width across nut
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Përparësitë / Përshkrimi

  • The accessories for connecting to the Solar rails are included in the package.
  • Thanks to its design, the hook perfectly fits the flat standing seam.
  • Thanks to its material selection with a thickness of 3 mm, the bracket is very robust.
  • Hook in stainless steel X5CrNi 18-10 according to EN 10088-2:2005.
  • Bolts and nuts in stainless steel A2-70 according to EN ISO 3506-1/2:2010.

Aplikimi dhe leja (autorizimi)

PV panels installation on pitched roofs with standing seam with flat seaming.
  • TUV - R 60154136

Manuali i montimit

  • Determine the centre distance of the hooks according to the snow and wind loads in the installation area (use SOLARPANEL-FiX software to design the system) and according to the conformation of the standing seam.
  • Position a layer of CG INT butyl adhesive tape on the sheet at the points where the hooks will be installed.
  • Position the hook on the seam.
  • Fasten the hook by tightening the flange nut on the pan head screw.
  • Use the existing slot in the higher part of the hook to fasten the selected rail tightening the screw with a 10Nm torque.
Mounting Strip 1 Picture
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Dokumente për shkarkim

pdf, TUV - R 60154136
TUV Certificate
E vlefshme nga 11.01.2021
deri në 11.01.2026
Solar systems. Mounting solutions for photovoltaic panels.