83 mm high aluminium rail for PV panels mounting systems.

Rail SolarFish H83 AL

SolarFish H83 AL is a 83 mm high aluminium rail for PV mounting systems on pitched and flat roofs, particularly suitable to optimize the number of fastenings in case of heavy stress forces acting on the structure. The four side grooves and the lower groove are compatible with SKS M8 screws or RHS hammer head screws. SolarFish H83 AL is compatible with PM U / PMC U universal clamps; it is compatible with PV systems on flat roofs (in combination with STFS and STFN triangular frames) and industrial roofs. It's also compatible with pitched roofs (in combination with aluminium and stainless stells hooks), non-removable corrugated panels or barrel/flat tile roof (in combination with STSR and STSI double-threaded screws) and trapezoidal metal sheet roof (in combination with DLA and DLAK clamps).
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Variantet e produktit

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Përparësitë / Përshkrimi

  • Increased cross-section to optimize the structure in the case of installations with few roof supporting points and/or particularly heavy forces acting on the structure.
  • High load-bearing capacity.
  • Two panels can be mounted on a single rail thanks to the wide top surface.
  • Compatible with installation both from the side and from the bottom.
  • Compatible with SKS M8 hexagonal screws or RHS hammer head screws.
  • Aluminium alloy EN AW 6063 T6 in accordance with EN 755-2:2013.
  • Please note: any oxidation stains are considered characteristic of aluminium. This in no way impairs the functionality of the product and is not covered by the warranty.

Aplikimi dhe leja (autorizimi)

  • Aluminium rail for PV panels mounting systems compatible with PM U / PMC U universal clamps, in combination with triangles for flat roofs and rails for special structures.
  • TUV - R 60154136

Manuali i montimit

  • Identify the correct support components based on the type of roof (e.g. triangular frames for flat roofs, rails for special structures etc).
  • Position the selected support components and the rail according to the structure layout (use SOLARPANEL-FiX software to design the system).
  • Use 2 CPN AL joints on both sides to connect the rails (a complete connection requires 4 CPN AL joints).
  • Slide the CPN AL joint until the central stud touches the end side of the rail.
  • Every CPN AL joint has to be connected to the rails with eight 3.5 mm x 9.5 mm self-drilling screws (two screws per rail side).
  • Consider a thermal break of at least 50 mm every 15 m.
  • Position the PV panels and fasten the clamps.

Dokumente për shkarkim

pdf, TUV - R 60154136
TUV Certificate
E vlefshme nga 11.01.2021
deri në 11.01.2026
Solar systems. Mounting solutions for photovoltaic panels.