The hammerset anchor for the anchoring of diamond saws and drills.

Hammerset anchor EA N-D / EA II-D

The fischer hammerset anchor EA II M 12 D is an internal threaded anchor made from zinc-plated steel. It is ideally suited to the anchoring of diamond drills and saws. The anchor sleeve is reinforced so that it can bear the necessary loads. The hammerset anchor is mounted with the hammer flush to the base material. With the setting tool EHS Plus, the sleeve is expanded and braced against the drill hole wall through the driving in of the internal pin. No torque should be applied to the screw to enable correct expansion.
Variantet e produktitDownload of image data

Variantet e produktit

Miratimet / Raportet e testimit
2 variante produktesh
Drill diameter
Min. bolt penetration
Max. bolt penetration
Legjenda = Miratimi ekziston = Miratimi nuk ekziston
Gesehen 2 von 2 Variante(n)

Përparësitë / Përshkrimi

  • The embossed rim prevents the anchor sleeve from slipping, thus ensuring a trouble-free hammerset installation.
  • The metric internal thread means that it is possible to use standard screws or threaded rods for the ideal adaptation to suit the intended use.
  • The EMS machine setting tool allows for effortless installation, particularly in the case of series installations.
  • The embossing that is applied when expanding with the EHS Plus setting tool offers a simple control of the anchoring and provides increased safety.
  • Fixing point at hef 25 mm prevents anchor of falling out of the drill hole before being expanded.
  • The black fixing point prevents the anchor from falling out of the drill hole during overhead installation.

Aplikimi dhe leja (autorizimi)

  • Pipelines and ventilation ducts
  • Sprinkler systems
  • Cable conduits and wires
  • Gratings
  • Steel constructions
  • Machines
  • Consoles
  • Shuttering props
  • Diamond and core drilling devices
Building materials
Approved for:
  • Concrete C20/25 to C50/60, cracked, for the multiple fixings of non-load-bearing systems
  • Concrete C20/25 to C50/60, non-cracked
Also suitable for:
  • Concrete C12/15
  • Natural stone with dense structure
Detajet (materialet e ndërtimit, ngarkesat, etj.) të çdo miratimi të disponueshëm zbatohen. Dokumentet e mëtejshme mund të gjenden në Qendra e shkarkimit.
  • ETA-07/0135
  • ETA-07/0142
  • DoP No. 0756-CPD-0332
  • DoP No. 0292

Manuali i montimit

  • The EA II is suitable for pre-positioned installation.
  • Position the hammerset anchor in the drill hole and drive in flush to the surface of the anchor base using the hammer.
  • The sleeve is then expanded by driving in the internal bolt with the EHS Plus setting tool (alternative: EMS machine setting tool), and expanded against the drill hole wall.
  • The setting tools must sit on the rim of the anchor to ensure correct expansion.
  • Use the special EA II M12 x 50 D / EA M 12 x 50 N D with thicker sleeve for fixing diamond and core drilling devices.
Mounting Strip 1 Picture
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Dokumente për shkarkim

European Technical Assessment for fischer drop-in anchor EA II - Mechanical fasteners for use in concrete
Krijuar me 20.10.2021
European Technical Assessment for fischer drop-in anchor EA II - Fasterners for use in concrete for redundant non-structural systems
Krijuar me 24.09.2021
Declaration of Performance for fischer Drop-in anchor EA II (Mechanical fastener for use in concrete)
Krijuar me 30.09.2021
DOP - Declaration of Performance
pdf, DoP No. 0756-CPD-0332
Declaration of Performance for fischer Drop-in anchor EA II
E vlefshme nga 11.06.2013
deri në 11.06.2028