For economical connections of load-bearing wood constructions.

PowerFull II CHTF 10

The fischer premium full thread screw PowerFull II is a wood construction screw that is assessed for work in hardwood as well as in the usual softwood. The PowerFull II with a diameter of 10 mm has a distinctly different geometry to the diameters 6 and 8 mm. The 10 mm screw has a drill point which creates a pre-drilling effect and stops the long screws running off centre. There is less splintering risk and the screw-in torque is reduced. In addition, it results in low edge and axial clearances. The version with cylinder head makes clean countersinking in the substrate possible. The European Technical Assessment guarantees added safety.
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Variantet e produktit

Miratimet / Raportet e testimit
10 variante produktesh
Thread length
Legjenda = Miratimi ekziston = Miratimi nuk ekziston
Gesehen 10 von 10 Variante(n)

Përparësitë / Përshkrimi

  • The tip geometry makes low axial and edge distances as well as high loads possible.
  • The PowerFull II with a diameter of 10 mm has a distinctly different geometry to the diameters 6 and 8 mm. The 10 mm screw has a drill point which creates a pre-drilling effect and stops the long screws running off centre. There is less splintering risk is reduced and the screw-in torque is reduced.
  • The cylindrical head can be countersunk deep into the wood using a long bit.
  • The screw geometry significantly improves the pull-out load capacity and optimises the screw-in torque.

Aplikimi dhe leja (autorizimi)

  • Connection main beam / substructure
  • Chevron-purlin connection
  • Reinforcement of notches
  • Openings
  • Beam false edges
  • Beam reinforcements
  • Strengthening perpendicular to the grain
  • Coupling purlins
  • Support reinforcement / transverse pressure reinforcement
  • Shear wood fixing (for roof insulation)
  • Refurbishment of old beams
  • Footing beams
  • Element connections in wood frame construction
  • Pressed steel-wood connections
Building materials
  • Solid hardwood of material strength classes C14 - C40 in accordance with EN 338 / EN 14081-1
  • New: Solid beech, ash or oak in accordance with EN 338 / EN 14081-1, with pre-drilling
  • Glued-laminated timber of at least material strength class GL24c in accordance with EN 1194 / EN 14080
  • New: Glued-laminated timber made of beech, ash or oak according to European Technical Approval or the national regulations applicable at the installation site, with pre-drilling
  • Laminated veneer lumber LVL in accordance with EN 14374
  • Glued-solid timber Duo and Trio beams in accordance with EN 14080 or the national regulations applicable at the installation site
  • Cross-laminated timber according to European Technical Approval or the national regulations applicable at the installation site
  • Construction beech in line with approval Z-9.1-838 and Z-9.1-837 and FST according to ETA-14/0354, with pre-drilling
Detajet (materialet e ndërtimit, ngarkesat, etj.) të çdo miratimi të disponueshëm zbatohen. Dokumentet e mëtejshme mund të gjenden në Qendra e shkarkimit.
  • ETA-21/0751
  • DoP No. W0010

Manuali i montimit

  • Screws with a cylinder head can be flush-mounted or sunk into the wood.

Dokumente për shkarkim

European Technical Assessment for fischer PowerFull II screws - Screws for use in timber constructions
Krijuar me 26.08.2022
Declaration of Performance for fischer PowerFull II screws
Krijuar me 15.09.2022
PowerFull II. For economical connections of load-bearing wood constructions.