The terrace screws with flat countersunk head, TX star recess drive and partial locking thread.

Terrace screw FTS-ST A2P

The fischer terrace screw FTS-ST A2P with flat countersunk head, TX star recess drive and partial thread is ideal for the surface-flush, splinter-free screwing together of terrace subframe systems and wooden decking. The TX star recess drive enables top force transmission with maximum bit stability. The innovative special thread shape facilitates the screwing process, even in hard woods. In addition, the partial thread enables the firm screwing of the decking to the subframe system. The stainless steel A2 terrace screw is highly resistant to weather and tannic acid. The flat head geometry enables an exact and splinter-free surface finish, even with connections close to the edge.
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Legjenda = Miratimi ekziston = Miratimi nuk ekziston
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